Saturday, May 29, 2010

I have the voice, but you have the power to silent

黄顺舸:寻问题方案 华团应关心政治




“这次补选中,我们知道对方打出的一个口号是为的要打倒我们的首长,并不支持他。因此,我已向首长反映,也邀请他与华社对话,首相也可于社会来个大辩论,谈华教、贪污等”。- from the United Daily

Basically, the second finance minister of Sarawak was proposing a dialogue between the Chinese community and the Chief Minister to discuss on issues of Chinese education, corruption etc. Would anyone dare to voice out his grievences against the CM and PM? Bearing in mind the ISA is still in force and is at the discretion of the Home Minister?

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