Monday, April 26, 2010


Air Flight-Generic

Saturday, April 24, 2010

BN always creates co-incidences

By Neville Spykerman
KUALA KUBU BARU, April 24 — Gerakan’s Datuk Tan Lian Hoe was forced to flee a school here after PKR supporters, suspecting she was misusing the premises for political campaigning, stormed the building today.

The Deputy Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister, who lodged a police report at the Kuala Kubu Baru District Police Headquarters, said about 30 PKR supporters disrupted a “price awareness seminar” which was organised by her ministry.

The incident at the Kuala Kubu Baru Tamil School occurred at about 4.30pm, after PKR supporters noticed Tan entering the school premises.
Police presence at the school. - Picture by Choo Choy May
“I was making a speech when I heard loud shouts from outside before they stormed the hall.”

She said the group broke a door, damaged a speaker and threatened the participants and her.
“I tried to explain but they refused to listen to reason.” she said, before she relented and left the school.

Tan defended the use of the school to hold the seminar and denied there was campaigning for the Hulu Selangor by-election.

She said her ministry was holding similar seminars at small towns throughout the country and it was only a coincidence that one was being held in Kuala Kubu Baru today.

The seminar was attended by parents of students from the school.
“I never once criticised their candidate during my speech but I did tell the participants to choose wisely.” she concluded. - Malaysian Insider

Do you believe that it is only a co-incidence that one was being held not for by-election campaigning?  Hard to accept it, isn't it? BN creates a lot of o-incidences.  

Friday, April 23, 2010

To win at citizens' cost!

KUALA KUBU BARU, April 23 — Datuk Seri Najib Razak handed out RM50,000 in cash each to 100 Felda settlers and promised more money as Barisan Nasional (BN) continued to up the ante in its bid to win this Sunday’s Hulu Selangor by-election.

The Prime Minister, who has already called this Sunday’s vote a referendum on his administration, hit the hustings again today as both the BN and PR campaigns narrowed their focus to crucial Malay votes.
Earlier today Selangor’s PR mentri besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim urged Felda settlers to accept any money offered by BN, but warned them against signing away their rights and reminded them that the federal government had failed to address their grouses while it was in power in Selangor.
Sungai Buaya settlers were promised RM1.2 million each when they sold their land to a developer after being persuaded by the BN state government in 1994.

The transaction involved their collective land stretching 1,335.46 hectares.

They were also promised a North-South Expressway interchange to boost development in the area, but it has yet to materialise.

Today, Najib today handed RM50,000 in cash to 100 settlers of the former Felda scheme in Sungai Buaya, near here.

“Some people call these election goodies, but let me assure you that all promises made here will be fulfilled,” said Najib at a gathering with the villagers.
The prime minister added that each settler would receive RM160,000 per acre once their abandoned agricultural land is developed.

Najibs holds up the Plus Sungai Buaya interchange contract.
“In the 13th General Election, make sure Barisan Nasional wins in Selangor or we will not get the development order,” he told the settlers. - Malaysianinsider

What do you call this offer? Commission? Token of appreciation for the work well done by the settlers? Whose money is it from? 

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Defection? U-turn? Or, lost of direction?

NST online 2010/04/22 :

Two more PKR leaders defect to Umno

HULU SELANGOR: Kelantan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) youth chief Wan Khairul Ihsan Wan Ahmad and secretary Ezri Zainal Abidin today quit the party to join Umno.

The two youth leaders said the decision was made as they had lost confidence in party adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

"The PKR struggle is only for Anwar to become prime minister. The party's principle has changed," he said after handing his membership form to Kelantan Umno liaison chairman Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed here.

Asked why he chose to quit during Hulu Selangor by-election, Wan Khairul said he was aware that it could be manipulated by the opposition.

"This is no political gimmick. We want the people of Hulu Selangor to know the true story."

Wan Khairul said he also lost confidence in the leadership of Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Mat.
The PKR exodus began when Hulu Selangor treasurer Datuk Dr Halili Rahmat quit on Monday followed by Perak wanita information chief Soraya Sulaiman and Bagan Serai deputy wanita chief Roshanita Mohd Basir on Tuesday. - Bernama

Lost confidence or lost direction? Why choose this moment, at the time of by-election, to quit? What reasons or objectives for joining PKR?  How many years he has been in the party and only now that he has no confidence in Kelantan Menteri Besar who has ruled Kelantan State for how many years?

Saturday, April 17, 2010



昨日(4月17日) 游行参与提名的选民与朝野支持者,不难发现行人道上撒满匿名传单,内容出现一张移花接木的再益手握酒瓶照片。


hulu selangor banner on zaid alcoholic许多亲巫统的部落格早也在互联网上流传一张再益饮酒的合成图,以及再益与不同女性合照的照片,要求再益交代其品德问题。


Unquote - 當今大馬。


Crutch that becomes the 3rd arm of the holder

In making use of the provision for the "special positions" of the Malays, the post-1969 leaders came up with affirmative actions. These are undoubtedly "crutches" and crutches should be discarded as soon as strength is gained. Only the selfish would advocate throwing away the crutches of others simply because they have already made good use of their own. ” the former prime minister wrote in a posting on his blog,

on April 17, 2010

KUALA LUMPUR, April 16, 2010
In a keynote speech to commemorate the 44th anniversary of Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara), a government agency set up boost Bumiputera participation in business and education, the former premier said the Malays must not be proud of always getting aid from the government.

“Aid is like a crutch... to be given when we are weak” he told an attentive Malay audience, which packed the ground floor foyer of Medan MARA, the agency’s headquarters here.
“It is better if we can stand firmly on our own feet,” he added.

“Do not be proud with such aid. In truth, we are not masters because of aid,” he chided, lamenting the general attitude among the Malay community which frequently looked for the easiest way of getting rich.
- reported by the

The question is when will the crutch holders regain their strength? The problem starts when the crutch becomes part of the physical arm (the 3rd arm) that is within easy reach to the coffer.  The more money drawn out by the 3rd arm, the more powerful the arm becomes.  Eventually, such arm will never be parted again.  It becomes an integral part of the body.  To remove it, you need a surgery and it is painful.  The crutch holder will definitely refuse the removal and he will take whatever measures to protect it.

But again, we should look back at the beginning when crutches are being distributed.  Who were given them and who were not? Who should be given and who should not? Were there enough crutches to be given to every body who needs it?  Did everybody wants it? Did everybody needs it?

Monday, April 12, 2010

'Who's stopping you, Pornthip?'

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail said Monday that Thai pathologist Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand was welcome to testify in Teoh Beng Hock’s inquest as there were no obstacles to stop her from doing so. - The Star
She had reportedly pulled out from the ongoing case, claiming she was forced to do so because of "political pressure" from Putrajaya that could affect her work in southern Thailand.

Nazri believes that Dr Pornthip is lying because she cannot defend her testimonial in the inquest.

"That is why I said that she is a liar. I do not believe that the Malaysian government and our officials would harass her and stop her from coming.

"We know that if she has been allowed to enter the first time, why should we stop her from entering the second time? The date was also delayed to allow her to come.

"In her earlier testimony, she had said something that was sensational.

"It would be obvious that the government is trying to hide something if a high level government official tries to block her entry. - Malaysian Mirror
Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein is the Home Minister, and Nazri is a de facto Law Minister ,  a minister in the Prime Minister's Department. Both are ministers, but the words from the Home Minister is soothing, Nazri's are unfriendly and unfair.  I am just wondering,  didn't they find out more information or "look into the case" before they made such public statement?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Houses of Malaysian Leaders

These houses belong to the some of the Malaysian leaders. Are they not huge and luxurious? I am just wondering. How they manage to amass so much to build them? They must have constant large income to maintain them, right? Do their salary as a MP or state assemblyman or a cabinet minister is large enough to have these houses and maintain them? If that is the case, see this house below:
This house belong to the Mentri Besar of Kelantan, also a Malaysian Leader but on the opposite bench at the Federal Level. Does his salary not enough to own a house like one of the above?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ahmad Maslan: Opposition mere occupant of BN development

KUALA KUBU BAHARU, April 11 — The development in states administered by the PKR-DAP-PAS coalition is a legacy of the Barisan Nasional (BN) government, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Ahmad Maslan said on Saturday.

“The Pakatan is merely an occupant of the BN development, whether it is in Kedah, Kelantan, Penang or Selangor, and more so in (the parliamentary constituency of) Hulu Selangor.

“They had two years but they have done nothing. All the development was provided by the BN. We have 50 primary schools and 16 secondary schools (in Hulu Selangor), for example,” he told reporters after opening a motivational programme for parents and presentation of excellence awards at Sekolah Kebangsaan Kerling, near here
-Bernama (reported by the Malaysia Insider)

I don't know, if they have done well, the people could not have rejected them in their polling. So, I am wondering is BN now the same as the BN 30 years ago? Or, the people are not happy with the incumbent prior to 308 because BN should have 80 primary schools and 160 secondary schools with the amount of money spent?

Monday, April 5, 2010

PM: Not easy in the first year


However, it had not been an easy time for him, he said, adding that he had to battle with the perception that the Government was not delivering, racial discord, dwindling foreign direct investment, corruption and cynicism over his new policies and transformation programmes.

Unquote from Malaysian Mirror's report on:

The country’s sixth PM said over the national TV 4th April 2010, on the special programme One Year on Level 5: Interview with the Prime Minister.

Why can't the PM just accept the fact that people have such perception and take action to eliminate it all? Why had he to "battle with" it?  Just to mention a few, these issues were in the limelight and are still in our mind: the Port Klang Free Port, the Lingam tape, the Zakaria Palace, Teoh Beng Hock etc.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

"One Leader, One Party, One Nation"

Read this blog

This slogan sounds very familiar and looks very familiar.  Are the current actions of our leaders working towards this? Hope not.

PM on the affirmative action policy

Affirmative action stays, says PM


KUALA LUMPUR, April 4 — The government will not do away with its affirmative action policy, but it will be carried out in a fairer and more transparent manner to improve the lives of Malaysians in the bottom 40 per cent of the population, Datuk Seri Najib Razak (picture) said tonight.

The Prime Minister said the implementation of the policy would be more market-friendly, more merit-based and also more on needs basis.

Unquote from Bernama, news carried in Malaysia Insider.Com

Why "more" market-friendly, "more" merit-based and "more" on needs basis?  why not just say market-friendly, merit-base and also on needs basis? Why the reservation? Does it mean that the policy in questions were less market-friendly, less merit-based and less on needs basis before,  and now it is a little bit more? Especially a little bit more on needs basis.   So like before, the affirmative action still look after those who don't need and having the right connections?